_sync = wc_get_container()->get( DataSynchronizer::class ); return $data_sync->data_sync_is_enabled(); } /** * Helper function to decide whether to backfill post record. * * @param \WC_Abstract_Order $order Order object. * * @return void */ private function maybe_backfill_post_record( $order ) { if ( $this->should_backfill_post_record() ) { $this->backfill_post_record( $order ); } } /** * Helper method that updates post meta based on an order object. * Mostly used for backwards compatibility purposes in this datastore. * * @param \WC_Order $order Order object. * * @since 7.0.0 */ public function update_order_meta( &$order ) { $changes = $order->get_changes(); $this->update_address_index_meta( $order, $changes ); } /** * Helper function to update billing and shipping address metadata. * * @param \WC_Abstract_Order $order Order Object. * @param array $changes Array of changes. * * @return void */ private function update_address_index_meta( $order, $changes ) { // If address changed, store concatenated version to make searches faster. foreach ( array( 'billing', 'shipping' ) as $address_type ) { $index_meta_key = "_{$address_type}_address_index"; if ( isset( $changes[ $address_type ] ) || ( is_a( $order, 'WC_Order' ) && empty( $order->get_meta( $index_meta_key ) ) ) ) { $order->update_meta_data( $index_meta_key, implode( ' ', $order->get_address( $address_type ) ) ); } } } /** * Return array of coupon_code => meta_key for coupon which have usage limit and have tentative keys. * Pass $coupon_id if key for only one of the coupon is needed. * * @param WC_Order $order Order object. * @param int $coupon_id If passed, will return held key for that coupon. * * @return array|string Key value pair for coupon code and meta key name. If $coupon_id is passed, returns meta_key for only that coupon. */ public function get_coupon_held_keys( $order, $coupon_id = null ) { $held_keys = $order->get_meta( '_coupon_held_keys' ); if ( $coupon_id ) { return isset( $held_keys[ $coupon_id ] ) ? $held_keys[ $coupon_id ] : null; } return $held_keys; } /** * Return array of coupon_code => meta_key for coupon which have usage limit per customer and have tentative keys. * * @param WC_Order $order Order object. * @param int $coupon_id If passed, will return held key for that coupon. * * @return mixed */ public function get_coupon_held_keys_for_users( $order, $coupon_id = null ) { $held_keys_for_user = $order->get_meta( '_coupon_held_keys_for_users' ); if ( $coupon_id ) { return isset( $held_keys_for_user[ $coupon_id ] ) ? $held_keys_for_user[ $coupon_id ] : null; } return $held_keys_for_user; } /** * Add/Update list of meta keys that are currently being used by this order to hold a coupon. * This is used to figure out what all meta entries we should delete when order is cancelled/completed. * * @param WC_Order $order Order object. * @param array $held_keys Array of coupon_code => meta_key. * @param array $held_keys_for_user Array of coupon_code => meta_key for held coupon for user. * * @return mixed */ public function set_coupon_held_keys( $order, $held_keys, $held_keys_for_user ) { if ( is_array( $held_keys ) && 0 < count( $held_keys ) ) { $order->update_meta_data( '_coupon_held_keys', $held_keys ); } if ( is_array( $held_keys_for_user ) && 0 < count( $held_keys_for_user ) ) { $order->update_meta_data( '_coupon_held_keys_for_users', $held_keys_for_user ); } } /** * Release all coupons held by this order. * * @param WC_Order $order Current order object. * @param bool $save Whether to delete keys from DB right away. Could be useful to pass `false` if you are building a bulk request. */ public function release_held_coupons( $order, $save = true ) { $coupon_held_keys = $this->get_coupon_held_keys( $order ); if ( is_array( $coupon_held_keys ) ) { foreach ( $coupon_held_keys as $coupon_id => $meta_key ) { $coupon = new \WC_Coupon( $coupon_id ); $coupon->delete_meta_data( $meta_key ); $coupon->save_meta_data(); } } $order->delete_meta_data( '_coupon_held_keys' ); $coupon_held_keys_for_users = $this->get_coupon_held_keys_for_users( $order ); if ( is_array( $coupon_held_keys_for_users ) ) { foreach ( $coupon_held_keys_for_users as $coupon_id => $meta_key ) { $coupon = new \WC_Coupon( $coupon_id ); $coupon->delete_meta_data( $meta_key ); $coupon->save_meta_data(); } } $order->delete_meta_data( '_coupon_held_keys_for_users' ); if ( $save ) { $order->save_meta_data(); } } /** * Performs actual query to get orders. Uses `OrdersTableQuery` to build and generate the query. * * @param array $query_vars Query variables. * * @return array|object List of orders and count of orders. */ public function query( $query_vars ) { if ( ! isset( $query_vars['paginate'] ) || ! $query_vars['paginate'] ) { $query_vars['no_found_rows'] = true; } if ( isset( $query_vars['anonymized'] ) ) { $query_vars['meta_query'] = $query_vars['meta_query'] ?? array(); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query if ( $query_vars['anonymized'] ) { $query_vars['meta_query'][] = array( 'key' => '_anonymized', 'value' => 'yes', ); } else { $query_vars['meta_query'][] = array( 'key' => '_anonymized', 'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS', ); } } try { $query = new OrdersTableQuery( $query_vars ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $query = (object) array( 'orders' => array(), 'found_orders' => 0, 'max_num_pages' => 0, ); } if ( isset( $query_vars['return'] ) && 'ids' === $query_vars['return'] ) { $orders = $query->orders; } else { $orders = WC()->order_factory->get_orders( $query->orders ); } if ( isset( $query_vars['paginate'] ) && $query_vars['paginate'] ) { return (object) array( 'orders' => $orders, 'total' => $query->found_orders, 'max_num_pages' => $query->max_num_pages, ); } return $orders; } //phpcs:enable Squiz.Commenting, Generic.Commenting /** * Get the SQL needed to create all the tables needed for the custom orders table feature. * * @return string */ public function get_database_schema() { global $wpdb; $collate = $wpdb->has_cap( 'collation' ) ? $wpdb->get_charset_collate() : ''; $orders_table_name = $this->get_orders_table_name(); $addresses_table_name = $this->get_addresses_table_name(); $operational_data_table_name = $this->get_operational_data_table_name(); $meta_table = $this->get_meta_table_name(); $max_index_length = $this->database_util->get_max_index_length(); $composite_meta_value_index_length = max( $max_index_length - 8 - 100 - 1, 20 ); // 8 for order_id, 100 for meta_key, 10 minimum for meta_value. $composite_customer_id_email_length = max( $max_index_length - 20, 20 ); // 8 for customer_id, 20 minimum for email. $sql = " CREATE TABLE $orders_table_name ( id bigint(20) unsigned, status varchar(20) null, currency varchar(10) null, type varchar(20) null, tax_amount decimal(26,8) null, total_amount decimal(26,8) null, customer_id bigint(20) unsigned null, billing_email varchar(320) null, date_created_gmt datetime null, date_updated_gmt datetime null, parent_order_id bigint(20) unsigned null, payment_method varchar(100) null, payment_method_title text null, transaction_id varchar(100) null, ip_address varchar(100) null, user_agent text null, customer_note text null, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY status (status), KEY date_created (date_created_gmt), KEY customer_id_billing_email (customer_id, billing_email({$composite_customer_id_email_length})), KEY billing_email (billing_email($max_index_length)), KEY type_status_date (type, status, date_created_gmt), KEY parent_order_id (parent_order_id), KEY date_updated (date_updated_gmt) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE $addresses_table_name ( id bigint(20) unsigned auto_increment primary key, order_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, address_type varchar(20) null, first_name text null, last_name text null, company text null, address_1 text null, address_2 text null, city text null, state text null, postcode text null, country text null, email varchar(320) null, phone varchar(100) null, KEY order_id (order_id), UNIQUE KEY address_type_order_id (address_type, order_id), KEY email (email($max_index_length)), KEY phone (phone) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE $operational_data_table_name ( id bigint(20) unsigned auto_increment primary key, order_id bigint(20) unsigned NULL, created_via varchar(100) NULL, woocommerce_version varchar(20) NULL, prices_include_tax tinyint(1) NULL, coupon_usages_are_counted tinyint(1) NULL, download_permission_granted tinyint(1) NULL, cart_hash varchar(100) NULL, new_order_email_sent tinyint(1) NULL, order_key varchar(100) NULL, order_stock_reduced tinyint(1) NULL, date_paid_gmt datetime NULL, date_completed_gmt datetime NULL, shipping_tax_amount decimal(26,8) NULL, shipping_total_amount decimal(26,8) NULL, discount_tax_amount decimal(26,8) NULL, discount_total_amount decimal(26,8) NULL, recorded_sales tinyint(1) NULL, UNIQUE KEY order_id (order_id), KEY order_key (order_key) ) $collate; CREATE TABLE $meta_table ( id bigint(20) unsigned auto_increment primary key, order_id bigint(20) unsigned null, meta_key varchar(255), meta_value text null, KEY meta_key_value (meta_key(100), meta_value($composite_meta_value_index_length)), KEY order_id_meta_key_meta_value (order_id, meta_key(100), meta_value($composite_meta_value_index_length)) ) $collate; "; return $sql; } /** * Returns an array of meta for an object. * * @param WC_Data $object WC_Data object. * @return array */ public function read_meta( &$object ) { // phpcs:ignore Universal.NamingConventions.NoReservedKeywordParameterNames.objectFound $raw_meta_data = $this->data_store_meta->read_meta( $object ); return $this->filter_raw_meta_data( $object, $raw_meta_data ); } /** * Deletes meta based on meta ID. * * @param WC_Data $object WC_Data object. * @param \stdClass $meta (containing at least ->id). * * @return bool */ public function delete_meta( &$object, $meta ) { // phpcs:ignore Universal.NamingConventions.NoReservedKeywordParameterNames.objectFound global $wpdb; if ( $this->should_backfill_post_record() && isset( $meta->id ) ) { // Let's get the actual meta key before its deleted for backfilling. We cannot delete just by ID because meta IDs are different in HPOS and posts tables. $db_meta = $this->data_store_meta->get_metadata_by_id( $meta->id ); if ( $db_meta ) { $meta->key = $db_meta->meta_key; $meta->value = $db_meta->meta_value; } } $delete_meta = $this->data_store_meta->delete_meta( $object, $meta ); $changes_applied = $this->after_meta_change( $object, $meta ); if ( ! $changes_applied && $object instanceof WC_Abstract_Order && $this->should_backfill_post_record() && isset( $meta->key ) ) { self::$backfilling_order_ids[] = $object->get_id(); if ( is_object( $meta->value ) && '__PHP_Incomplete_Class' === get_class( $meta->value ) ) { $meta_value = maybe_serialize( $meta->value ); $wpdb->delete( _get_meta_table( 'post' ), array( 'post_id' => $object->get_id(), 'meta_key' => $meta->key, // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_key 'meta_value' => $meta_value, // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_value ), array( '%d', '%s', '%s' ) ); wp_cache_delete( $object->get_id(), 'post_meta' ); $logger = wc_get_container()->get( LegacyProxy::class )->call_function( 'wc_get_logger' ); $logger->warning( sprintf( 'encountered an order meta value of type __PHP_Incomplete_Class during `delete_meta` in order with ID %d: "%s"', $object->get_id(), var_export( $meta_value, true ) ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DevelopmentFunctions.error_log_var_export } else { delete_post_meta( $object->get_id(), $meta->key, $meta->value ); } self::$backfilling_order_ids = array_diff( self::$backfilling_order_ids, array( $object->get_id() ) ); } return $delete_meta; } /** * Add new piece of meta. * * @param WC_Data $object WC_Data object. * @param \stdClass $meta (containing ->key and ->value). * * @return int|bool meta ID or false on failure */ public function add_meta( &$object, $meta ) { // phpcs:ignore Universal.NamingConventions.NoReservedKeywordParameterNames.objectFound $add_meta = $this->data_store_meta->add_meta( $object, $meta ); $meta->id = $add_meta; $changes_applied = $this->after_meta_change( $object, $meta ); if ( ! $changes_applied && $object instanceof WC_Abstract_Order && $this->should_backfill_post_record() ) { self::$backfilling_order_ids[] = $object->get_id(); add_post_meta( $object->get_id(), $meta->key, $meta->value ); self::$backfilling_order_ids = array_diff( self::$backfilling_order_ids, array( $object->get_id() ) ); } return $add_meta; } /** * Update meta. * * @param WC_Data $object WC_Data object. * @param \stdClass $meta (containing ->id, ->key and ->value). * * @return bool The number of rows updated, or false on error. */ public function update_meta( &$object, $meta ) { // phpcs:ignore Universal.NamingConventions.NoReservedKeywordParameterNames.objectFound $update_meta = $this->data_store_meta->update_meta( $object, $meta ); $changes_applied = $this->after_meta_change( $object, $meta ); if ( ! $changes_applied && $object instanceof WC_Abstract_Order && $this->should_backfill_post_record() ) { self::$backfilling_order_ids[] = $object->get_id(); update_post_meta( $object->get_id(), $meta->key, $meta->value ); self::$backfilling_order_ids = array_diff( self::$backfilling_order_ids, array( $object->get_id() ) ); } return $update_meta; } /** * Perform after meta change operations, including updating the date_modified field, clearing caches and applying changes. * * @param WC_Abstract_Order $order Order object. * @param \WC_Meta_Data $meta Metadata object. * * @return bool True if changes were applied, false otherwise. */ protected function after_meta_change( &$order, $meta ) { method_exists( $meta, 'apply_changes' ) && $meta->apply_changes(); // Prevent this happening multiple time in same request. if ( $this->should_save_after_meta_change( $order, $meta ) ) { $order->set_date_modified( current_time( 'mysql' ) ); $order->save(); return true; } else { $order_cache = wc_get_container()->get( OrderCache::class ); $order_cache->remove( $order->get_id() ); $this->clear_cached_data( array( $order->get_id() ) ); } return false; } /** * Helper function to check whether the modified date needs to be updated after a meta save. * * This method prevents order->save() call multiple times in the same request after any meta update by checking if: * 1. Order modified date is already the current date, no updates needed in this case. * 2. If there are changes already queued for order object, then we don't need to update the modified date as it will be updated ina subsequent save() call. * * @param WC_Order $order Order object. * @param \WC_Meta_Data|null $meta Metadata object. * * @return bool Whether the modified date needs to be updated. */ private function should_save_after_meta_change( $order, $meta = null ) { $current_time = $this->legacy_proxy->call_function( 'current_time', 'mysql', 1 ); $current_date_time = new \WC_DateTime( $current_time, new \DateTimeZone( 'GMT' ) ); $should_save = $order->get_date_modified() < $current_date_time && empty( $order->get_changes() ) && ( ! is_object( $meta ) || ! in_array( $meta->key, $this->ephemeral_meta_keys, true ) ); /** * Allows code to skip a full order save() when metadata is changed. * * @since 8.8.0 * * @param bool $should_save Whether to trigger a full save after metadata is changed. */ return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_orders_table_datastore_should_save_after_meta_change', $should_save ); } }